We’re Meteor Forms

We live in a digital revolution. Technology and the tech industry are growing faster and more efficiently than ever before. As the years pass, hard drive space is getting bigger and cheaper per gigabyte. We’re sending quadrillions of information every day to hundreds of millions of people.


Despite this, paper remains to be a major factor in our daily lives.


Even though our affiliation with digital devices has become a modern standard, governments and businesses rely on physical copies for record-keeping and sending information.


There’s a problem, when it comes to forms there’s a disconnect between the two. Online forms are a major contributor to sending companies client information. Whether it’s government, online orders, banking, or something else, these online forms don’t provide a way of giving the information you need in print.


So what’s there to do?


You end up filling in the information yourself on another form.


But you don’t have to.


Meteor Forms began as a way to make paperwork easier when working with online forms. While online forms make it easy to gather information from clients, they cannot transfer the information to paper.


This leaves someone else, perhaps you, to pull up every new online form and fill out a physical copy to fill out. Filling out new forms by hand is a tiring process that wastes your time, leaving you frustrated for a better solution.


This is where Meteor Forms comes in.


When you get started with Meteor Forms all you need to do is send in your scanned physical forms…

And that’s it!


We do the rest of the work for you.


Send us your form and we’ll turn it into an online form

Meteor Forms turns the scanned form you sent us into your very own meteor form. Your meteor form will be your new online form that collects client and customer information and puts all the information in the correct boxes once you export it as a PDF.

This makes printing and sending information quick and easy without the hassle of wasting extra paper (and your time).


Once we’ve created your new meteor form, you must embed it onto your website. Are you not familiar with embedding? It’s a short, unobtrusive line of code that you add to make the form appear.

Embedding is a universal process that allows you to insert content wherever you please, including social media platforms like Facebook.


Of course, it’s easier to get your company’s web team to put it in for you.


We wish we could make it easier for you, but we’re not mind readers, so you’ll have to contact us instead.


You can also check out our How Meteor Forms Works page

Going beyond

That sounds great, right? Well, we here at Meteor Forms don’t just stop at that.


When you purchase a Meteor Forms package, you will get all of our features. Not like those other online form builders who give you all the tools and leave you to deal with the mess.


We can fix certain issues you have with any current forms you might have with us. Whether it’s typos or touch-ups, we can clean them up for you.


In addition to any issues you might have with the forms you send us, we’ll fix any issues you might have with our meteor forms. Whether it’s bugs or conflicts with your website, we’ll get to work on it immediately.


We’re not here to leave you in the dust; we want to form a long-lasting relationship that lets you know we’re here to help


So what else is there?


We can collect signatures.


Yup, that’s right. Legally binding, non-text, or typed-based signatures that clients can write on with a mouse or touch screen. Most online forms builders lack this feature, however we’re not one of those.

n example of what a signature would look like

Here’s another thing you don’t need to worry about from us.

Online form builders like to do this thing that limits the amount of entries you can get through different levels of paywalls or ‘packages’ as they call them. So you either scrap the old entries you have (which wastes your time and potentially removes important information) or pay extra monthly costs for something that shouldn’t cost you more.


You guessed it, we have unlimited entries.


You’re not limited to just one form; this applies to all your forms with us. We want to ensure your business with us is as worry-free as possible. Clients can fill out as many entries as possible, and you won’t have to pay additional costs.


Why should you have to pay more for your clients’ benefits?


The answer is you shouldn’t.


This is why it’s easy to see that using Meteor Forms can make your workflow more efficient and easier to use.


We’re the best merger of online forms, document signing, and printing combined into one package. You can check out our features page to learn more


So, to wrap things up, let’s review the steps and benefits again.

The Process

Getting Started with Meteor Forms

Sign up

And that’s it, your forms will be sent to us and we’ll do the rest.


We will continue to get in contact with you and let you know once your new meteor form(s) is complete. From there, you’ll be given the shortcode for your meteor form to be put online or anywhere else you’d like, there’s no number of limited placed it can be put.


Once implemented, clients can immediately fill out your new meteor form. There’s little to no wait time, and you can access the entries immediately. Even exporting and printing are available immediately, so you’ll be able to see the difference immediately.


Any Meteor Forms package you buy will include free maintenance, signature collecting, unlimited entries, and security.


Think you’re ready for Meteor Forms? Just get started here, and we’ll do the rest